First class medicine, Small town charm


619 Greene St Adel, IA 50003

Mon - Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 1:30pm - 6pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED


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Work Anniversary

by Dr. Elizabeth Holland

I’m not gonna lie, having a “new-to-us” vet (yay Dr. Powers!) start this Spring has had me feeling nostalgic. Today is actually my 13th anniversary of starting at Adel Veterinary Clinic. How lucky I was to land in this great clinic with a fantastic team and amazing mentor, Dr. Pat Rohret! Each day, I work to continue the excellent medicine with a good helping of small-town charm that attracted me to this place in the first place.

I recently assisted with a peaceful goodbye to a dear pet and noted that her very first puppy visit was the month I started at Adel Veterinary Clinic back in 2008. Wow! To know a pet and her family through their whole life and relationship together is a true gift and honor.

This is Bud who was in recently. He’s still certainly young at heart, but he was my very first amputation surgery all the way back in 2009! Every year I am overjoyed to see him because his amazing family decided he could still be a hunting cat with 3 legs. Their trust in me and his will to live (and live well!) bring me such happiness and keep me trying new things. Being in general practice means we do a little of everything and having clients put their trust in us is something we take very seriously.

Though I swear I see something totally new each day, I’m starting to feel like I’ve been around the block a few times and that has it’s pluses and minuses. Experience allows a level of comfort and confidence, but medicine certainly advances and it is nearly impossible to keep up on the latest and greatest while still practicing in the clinic.

I am overjoyed to have Dr. Powers join our team. I am eager to learn new ways to approach both disease and health, learning from her previous vet clinic experience as well as her updated training at Iowa State.

With so much to complain about in the world, I spend this work anniversary full of gratitude and excitement for the future.

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