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The Hard Reality (Part 2/5)

by Elizabeth Holland

Wow- thank you SO much for the out-pouring of love, support and understanding! I am reminded of how these special bonds have touched so many and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I take comfort in knowing that I am not alone and REJOICE in the fact that so many have also felt the beauty and gift of the human-animal bond.

How lucky are WE to have loved so much and been loved unconditionally in return!!??

Going through this has led me to see that, as veterinary professionals, we could do a better job helping with end-of-life care. As my family goes through this, I hope to share more about how we decided it was time to say goodbye to Holden, how we actually did say goodbye (especially with children) and how we are working to heal. These are all very personal decisions, obviously, but I feel like more awareness of options surrounding a somewhat taboo topic (DEATH) would be a good thing!

But for today, as the roller coaster of emotions has my family in waves of numbness and despair (with some laughter mixed in) I thought I would just share the hard reality of the NOW.

No one to greet me at the door for the first time in 14 years. 14 years! That hurts. A lot.

OK, my sweet cats are actually picking up a LOT of slack and do an awesome job just INSIDE the door, but it’s different- and this from a self-proclaimed and very proud CAT PERSON! (Personally, I think they are really confused right now too- I wish I knew what they were thinking about Holden and how I could help them.)

And CLEANING UP THE FLOOR!!!! Getting down on my knees to clean the floor after a meal. I always knew this was Holden’s greatest gift to me as the mother of 3 boys and I regularly thanked him (when I wasn’t shouting at him for preferring to snag the meals right off the counter when someone ran to the bathroom!)

My tears will help clean the oatmeal…

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